William Raymond Morr wmorris at cix.compulink.co.uk
Tue May 9 06:42:41 EST 1995

Every two years the Health-related Water Microbiology Group of the 
International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ) runs a Symposium 
covering all aspects of microbiology in the water cycle relevant to human 

Bacteria, viruses and parasites are well catered for in terms of 
methodology, case studies, monitoring, risk assessment etc.  Treatment of 
water for human consumption and the disposal of the inevitable wastes are 
also covered.  

The biennial Symposia of the Group are recognised as being the only place 
world-wide where activists in the field can gather for an intensive 
scientific and social get-together.

Following on from last year's successful Symposium in Budapest when the 
Group hosted 150 presentations, the Proceedings will be out this June(!), 
the Group next meets at Mallorca, Spain 6-10 October 1996.

All microbiologists with an interest in the water cycle should attend as 
well as those who require to gain a better understanding of the health 
role of microbes in our environment.

Selection of papers for inclusion in the Symposium verbal sessions is by 
submission of an abstract (200-250 words) and all submissions are 
accepted for poster presentations.  However, it should be noted that 
acceptance as part of the Symposium does not mean acceptance for 
publication in the Proceedings!  Final manuscripts will be rigorously 
refereed and published in Water Science & Tehnology produced by IAWQ.

The timetable is:

January 31st            Deadline for abstracts (late abstracts will only        ! ?

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