Looking for ASM's e-mail address

Brian Hoyle brianh at gov.nb.ca
Tue May 9 10:19:21 EST 1995

In article <Pine.3.89.9505081652.B4402-0100000 at cat.cce.usp.br> crodhurt at CAT.CCE.USP.BR (Cleofe Antonio Rodriguez Hurtado) writes:
>From: crodhurt at CAT.CCE.USP.BR (Cleofe Antonio Rodriguez Hurtado)
>Newsgroups: bionet.microbiology
>Subject: Looking for ASM's e-mail address
>Date: 8 May 1995 12:42:57 -0700
>Organization: BIOSCI International Newsgroups for Molecular Biology
>Lines: 4
>Sender: daemon at net.bio.net
>Distribution: world
>Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9505081652.B4402-0100000 at cat.cce.usp.br>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: net.bio.net

>Please, could anybody send me the e-mail address of the American Society for 
>Microbiology ?
>Thanks in advance.

Here are e-mail addresses:
 Subscriptions        Subscriptions at asmusa.org
 Membership          Membership at asmusa.org
 Workshops, etc     TrainingInformation at asmusa.org
 Career info.            CareerInformation at asmusa.org
 Education info.       EducationResources at asmusa.org
 Meetings info.        MeetingsInfo at asmusa.org

Hope this helps.

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