B.burgdorferi Plate Cultures

Seth Pincus Seth_Pincus at NIH.gov
Sun May 7 13:21:57 EST 1995

Check with Patty Rosa at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories, she has a lot
experience. Her phone is (406) 363-9209.

In article <3of5vf$iiq at mark.ucdavis.edu>, John Lester
<ez056368 at ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> I am going to be plating out B.burgdorferi for single colonies, and have
> every paper published on the topic.  Unfortunately, I don't know anyone
> personally who has done it.  Any hints or tricks you know of would be
> much appriciated and can be sent to jwlester at ucdavis.edu 
> PS Check out my Homepage for Bis1a (intro to molecular bioscience)
> at UC Davis at http://pubweb.ucdavis.edu/documents/biosci/homepage.htm

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