Western Conference in Immunology
for Graduate Students, Medical Students, and Postdoctoral Fellows
University of California, Berkeley
June 30-July 2, 1995
The Western Conference in Immunology is an annual conference designed
specifically for students and post-docs to present their work in a
relaxed and informal setting. We are able to keep the costs to
participants to an absolute minimum due to the generous donation of
funds from many biotechnological companies in the area. WCI '95 will
be held in the Berkeley Conference Center (one block from the U.C.
Berkeley campus), and participants will be housed for two nights in the
luxurious Hotel Durant or Shattuck Hotel.
CONFERENCE NOTES: The conference will be held at the Berkeley
Conference Center located one block west of campus at 2105 Bancroft
Way. The conference begins Friday evening with the keynote address by
Dr. Paul M. Allen from Washington University at St. Louis. The address
will be followed immediately by an informal reception. Participant
talks will be scheduled on Saturday and Sunday Mornings. Posters will
be on display Saturday afternoon. The conference ends with lunch on
The normal registration and housing fee per person (including guests)
is $60.00; for participants that present their work, the fee is only
$35.00. The fee is based on double occupancy for Friday and Saturday
nights at either the Hotel Durant or the Shattuck Hotel. For those who
don't require housing the fee is $20.00. The registration fee includes
continental breakfast and catered lunch at the Saturday and Sunday
morning sessions.
TO REGISTER: Send in the attached registration form and enclose
payment by check or money order only. Make checks payable to Western
Conference in Immunology. Registration must be received by Friday,
June 2, 1995. We cannot guarantee hotel rooms to late registrants.
Abstracts for talks and posters are due Friday, June 16, 1995.
Confirmation notices and a map of the surrounding area will be mailed
by June 7, 1995.
PRESENTATIONS: All participants are encouraged to present their
research. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss research and
exchange ideas with fellow immunologist in a relaxed and informal
setting. Preliminary results from ongoing research as well as work
that has peen presented at other meetings is welcome.
Abstracts for talks and posters are due June 16, 1995. Please use the
attached abstract form. Talks should be planned to last 15 minutes
followed by a 5 minute discussion period. Posters should be designed
to fit a 4'x6' board. Remember, the registration fee for participants
presenting research is still only $35.00!!
Submit registration forms and abstracts to
Western Conference in Immunology
c/o Paul W. Diaz
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
Life Sciences Addition Rm 469
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720
Please remember, registration is due Friday June 2, 1995. Abstracts
are due June 16, 1995 and confirmations will be mailed out by June 7,
1995. Please be prompt! See you at WCI!
For more information please call: 510 643 5830 Tel.
510 642 0468 FAX
lab_winoto at maillink.berkeley.eduPendragn at uclink2.berkeley.edu
Pendragon .::::.
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"...and miles to go before I sleep"