Fe and S oxidising bacteria?

Graham Jenkin e2gjenki at dingo.cc.uq.oz.au
Thu May 4 20:36:57 EST 1995

Hi all

I'm a grad student working in the area of acid mine drainage and am 
looking for a good source of information (a text or papers) detailing 
the behaviour of bacteria associated with the oxidation of sulphur and 
iron.  Any suggestions?  Even basic texts would be accepted.  Note: I 
have Kleinmann's 1981 paper on this point, however, I'm looking for 
something which doesn't simply focus on T. ferrooxidans.

I also have the name of an author in this area who was cited in the EPA's 
Tech Doc on AMD Prediction - Thompson 1988 - however the EPA failed to 
provide a complete citation.  Can anyone suggest what the complete 
citation may have been (the EPA themselves don't know)?

Thanks in advance

     ____            ____             
    / ___|_ __ __ _ / ___|_ __ __ _    
   | |  _| '__/ _` | |  _| '__/ _` |   Graham Jenkin
   | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| |   University of Queensland
    \____|_|  \__,_|\____|_|  \__,_|   G.Jenkin at mailbox.uq.oz.au

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