Anyone else have problems with Oxyrase Plates?

Jeffrey Raymond Smith jrs10 at lennon.csufresno.edu
Thu May 4 17:03:16 EST 1995

    I will try this agian as it seems it did not work the first time.

I am looking for any suggestions or comments on the Oxyrase for agar
Plates that are used for the growing of anaerobes.  
   The problem I think I have found is that the plates, when poured
following the included instructions, did not seal properly.  The ones
we used were filled with 25mls and I was wondering if anyone out there
familiar with the Oxyrase plates knows of this problem.  
   My group and I obtained growth of aerobic bacteria but no

    I would also ask the professor that suggested these plates to me,
please send your email, name and position to me. I would like to
include your help in the report.  I feel its only right since you were
the one to give me the suggestion and help I needed.  

   Thanks in advance.

Jeffrey R.L. Smith
jrs10 at lennon.csufresno.edu

Jeffrey R.L. Smith
jrs10 at lennon.csufresno.edu
Jeff "Also" Smith

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