Training in Biotechniques (fwd)

Thu May 4 09:59:50 EST 1995

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date:         Mon, 01 May 95 10:39:41 +0300
From:         "m.Lakshmi Narayanan" <CSMLN at WEIZMANN.WEIZMANN.AC.IL>
Subject:      Training in Biotechniques
To:           csmln at WEIZMANN.WEIZMANN.AC.IL
Message-Id:   <950501.105347.+0300.CSMLN at WEIZMANN.WEIZMANN.AC.IL>

Dear Sir/Madam,

     I am a chemist -cum- crystallographer.

     I would like to have hands on experience
     on biotechniques -  This is towards my aim
     on anti-cancer drug designing.

     DNA/Proteins - Extraction, Purification
     Gene Identification, Isolation, Characterization
     Cell culture

     Those who are interested in providing this training
     by means of offering a  suitable research position,
     may please contact me for getting more details, cv etc...

     Thanking you
     sincerely yours

     M. Lakshmi Naryanan
     Department of Structural Biology
     Weizmann Institute of Science
     Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL

     csmln at weizmann.weizmann.ac.il

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