GABA analysis

Dr Ian Garthwaite garthwaitei at agresearch.cri.nz
Tue May 2 19:48:07 EST 1995

T.Lewis at agsci.utas.edu.au (Tom Lewis) wrote:
>I'm looking for methods to detect (qualitatively) the production of GABA
>(gamma amino butyric acid) by bacterial isolates after incubation on
>various solid and/or liquid media.
>Any references/ideas/suggestions would be welcomed

Hi, I have been working with an antibody that Sigma sell, and have 
developed this into an ELISA for GABA detection.  The only problem with 
it is that at the moment, sensitivity is only to micromoles per ml.  This 
does not compare very well with the enzymatic GABase assay (Sigma 
1991) which detects to 0.05umol/ml, or HPLC, e.g. Kamisaki et al (1990). 
 For high level expression however it may be suitable for your needs.  I 
am working on improving the sensitivity of the ELISA also.

If you are interested, contact me directly.
Dr Ian Garthwaite,       **  E-mail:                           
Toxinology & Food Safety **  GarthwaiteI at AgResearch.CRI.NZ      
AgResearch Ruakura,      **                       *************
Private Bag 3123,        **  Phone + 64 7 838 5147.          **
Hamilton, New Zealand.   **  Fax   + 64 7 838 5189.          **

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