(2nd Call)
Venue: Mendes Plaza Hotel
Av. Floriano Peixoto, 42 - Fax +55-132- 4.8253
Santos - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Dates August 27 (Sun) - September 01 (Fri), 1995
Congress documentation Documentation will be distributed to participants at the
registration desk
Official language English
For registration, abstracts and commercial exhibition:
Secretariat/ ISME 7
Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1374 - Edif cio Biom dicas II
Cidade Universit ria
05508-900- Sao Paulo-SP - Brazil
Telephone/Fax: +55-11-813-9647
E-MAIL - 7isme at cat.cce.usp.br
For accommodation and booking for excursion:
Grantravel Viagens e Turismo Ltda.
Av. Paulista 726, 6th andar - 607
01310-100 - Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil
Telephone +55-11-288-0955/ Fax +55-11-288-0615
Abstracts April 15, 1995
Registration Before March 31, 1995.......US$ 300.00
After April, 1995.................US$ 350.00
During the meeting............US$ 400.00
Accommodation May 31, 1995
We are pleased to send you the Second Announcement of the 7th International
Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 7), to be held in Santos, in the State of
Sao Paulo, from August 27 to September 01, 1995.
This Announcement provides you with an outline of the program and
informationon registration, submission of abstracts, hotel and travel
arrangements andother important items. Please, read it carefully before
making your arrangements to attend.
Previous ISME meetings were held in Dunedin, New Zealand (1977); Warwick,
U.K. (1980); East Lansing, U.S. (1983), Ljubljana, Yugoslavia (1986); Kyoto,
Japan (1989) and Barcelona, Spain (1992).
The number of attendants has increased in each successive meeting, from
380 coming from 34 countries in Dunedin to 1,320 from 56 countries in Barcelona.
Topics for ISME 7 have been selected after considering the latest
advances in the field of Microbial Ecology, as well as taking into account
those topics which proved very stimulating in the ISME 6 held in
Barcelona. Preferences shown by potential attendants who answered the First
Announcement have also been given through consideration.
The ISME 7 Local Executive Committee wishes to thank the many scientists
from around the World who have shown their interest in participating in the
Symposium, as well as institutions, professional societies and private
companies which have expressed their intention of supporting the meeting.
We are inviting you to participate in ISME 7 next year, where different
aspects of microbial ecology will be discussed in a pleasant and open
scientific atmosphere in Santos, a seashore town close to the city of
Santos, in the neotropical region of Brazil - South America. It is
one of Brazilian's busiest, attractive and historically important cities.
Its history dates back to 1534 with the arrival of Portuguese settlers.
Today, with a population of more than 600,000, Santos has the largest and
most important port in Brazil, the biggest in the South America. Santos has a
cosmopolitan atmosphere, due to foreign business visitors and has the
advantages of big cities without the problem that very urbanized cities could
present. Besides, there are plenty of amusements and cultural options.
Nowadays, the beaches are clean after a depollution program.
We also encourage you to take this opportunity to see other interesting
places in South America, and for this reason we have organized mid-meeting
excursions and post-Congress tours. The later will give you
unique opportunities to see the Amazon Rain Forest (Manaus) or the Pantanal
Flood Plain.
You are invited to actively participate in ISME-7 next year, and enjoy
with us in Santos the feeling that science and history are facets of the same
common human universal culture.
We look forward to receive you here.
Sincerely yours
Maria Therezinha Martins
Chairperson , ISME 7
Host Society: Brazilian Society for Microbiology
Sponsored by: International Committee on Microbial Ecology
Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de
Sao Paulo (FAPESP)
Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)
Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de
Nivel Superior (CAPES)
Supported by: WHO/ PAHO
Usio Simidu Chairperson, Tokyo University of Agriculture,
James M. Tiedje Secretary, Michigan State University, USA
Margaret W. Loutit Past-Chairperson, University of Otago, New
Roger Knowles Committee member, McGill University, Canada
Alexander J. B. Zehnder Committee member, EAWAG, Switzerland
Yehuda Cohen Committee member, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel
Ian Dundas Committee member, University of Bergen,
Ricardo Guerrero Past-Symposium Chairperson, University of
Barcelona, Spain
J. Gwynfryn Jones Editor Advances in Microbial Ecology,
Freshwater Biological Association U.K.
Maria Therezinha Martins Co-opted Symposium Chairperson ISME 7,
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Maria Therezinha Martins Chairperson. University of Sao Paulo
Claudete Rodrigues Paula Vice-Chairperson. University of Sao Paulo
Walderez Gambale Vice-Chairperson. University of Sao Paulo
Petra Sanchez Sanchez Secretary-Treasurer. Sao Paulo State Environmental
Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB)
Benedito Correa Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer. University of
Sao Paulo
Maria Ines Zanoli Sato Secretariat Coordinator. Sao Paulo State Environmental
Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB)
Irma Gutierrez Rivera Assistant to Secretariat Coordinator. University
of Sao Paulo
Samia M. Tauk Tornisielo Program Coordinator. State University of Sao Paulo
Joao Lucio de Azevedo Program Coordinator. University of Sao Paulo
Vivian Helena Pellizari Technical Visits Coordinator. University of Sao
James M. Tiedje East Lansing, USA
Rita R. Colwell Maryland, USA
Kevin C. Marshal Kensington, Australia
Usio Simidu Tokyo, Japan
Margaret W. Loutit Dunedin, New Zealand
J. Gwynfryn Jones Cumbria, U.K.
Gabriela Castillo Morales Santiago, Chile
Gary A. Toranzos Rio Piedras, Porto Rico
Victoriano Campos Valpara so, Chile
Ian Dundas Bergen, Norway
Ricardo Guerrero Barcelona, Spain
Carlos Pedros-Alio Barcelona, Spain
Alexander J. B. Zehnder Dubendorf, Switzerland
Yehuda Cohen Jerusalem , Israel
Heriberto Fernandez Valdivia, Chile
Luiz Rachid Trabulsi Sao Paulo, SP
Edmar Chartone de Souza Belo Horizonte, MG
Jo o Ruy Jardim Freire Porto Alegre, RS
Maria Raphaella Musumeci Sao Paulo, SP
Sergio Fracalanza Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Jos Alberto Caram de Souza Dias Campinas, SP
Elizabeth Marques Sao Paulo, SP
Julio Croce Sao Paulo, SP
Jos G. Tundisi Sao Carlos, SP
Bernadette D.G. Melo Franco Sao Paulo, SP
Antonio F. Pestana de Castro Campinas, SP
Elke J.B.N. Cardoso Piracicaba, SP
Ely Nahas Jaboticabal, SP
Vanderley Perez Canhos Campinas, SP
Leda C. Norton Hagler Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Joao Candeias Sao Paulo, SP
Edson Durigon Sao Paulo, SP
Tentative schedule...................................................6
Scientific program...................................................7
Plenary lectures....................................................7
Call for papers......................................................9
Invited contributions...............................................9
Contributed Oral Communications and Posters Presentations...........9
Reply postcards....................................................10
General guidelines for abstracts...................................11
Information for the sessions.......................................11
Commercial exhibition...............................................12
Inter Union IUMS-IUBS Committee on Microbial Biodiversity...........12
Registration fees...................................................12
Social and cultural activities......................................14
Activities for accompanying persons.................................15
Accomodation....................................................... 16
Optional tours......................................................17
Travel information..................................................19
Related scientific events...........................................20
The Scientific Program will consist of Plenary Lectures, Symposia,
Workshop/Round Table Sessions, Oral Communications and Poster Presentations.
- The biodiversity convention and its consequences for the inventory of
prokaryotes - Dr. Erko Stackebrandt (Germany)
- Endophytic fungi and their roles mainly on tropical plants - Dr. Joao Lucio
de Azevedo (Brazil)
- Oceanic carbon cycle and global environmental change: a microbiological
perspective - Dr. David M. Karl (Hawaii)
There will be five simultaneous symposia in the morning. Each symposium will
have five invited speakers. The length of the symposia will be two and half
hours. Each speaker will be allowed a total time of 30 minutes.
1.1 - Extent of microbial diversity and its analysis
Conveners: J. M. Tiedje (USA) & V. P. Canhos (Brazil)
1.2 - Biodiversity among the extremophiles and anaerobic microorganisms
Conveners: M. T. Madigan (USA) & F. Widdel (Germany)
1.3 - Fungal and mycorrhizal ecology and diversity
Conveners: M. M. Mendonca (Brazil) & J. O. Siqueira (Brazil)
1.4 - Monitoring diversity of algae, bacteria, protozoa and nematodes
Conveners: D. Freckman (USA) & I. Dundas (Norway)
2.1 - Microbial ecology in tropical forests
Conveners: J. Sugiyama (Japan) & A. N. Hagler (Brazil)
2.2 - Microbial ecology in lakes and estuaries
Conveners: J.C. Fry (UK) & J.G. Tundisi (Brazil)
2.3 - Marine microbiology
Conveners: Y. Cohen (Israel) & L.C.M. Hagler (Brazil)
2.4 - Comparative microbial ecology among biomes
Conveners: B. H. Schink (Germany) & R. Guerrero (Spain)
3.1 - Novel trends in biological wastewater and solid waste treatment
Conveners: A. J. B. Zehnder (Switzerland) & R. Vazoller (Brazil)
3.2 - Algal blooms, bacteria and toxins
Conveners: Y. Ishida (Japan) & G. Codd (UK)
3.3 - Ecology of bioremediation
Conveners: J. A. Spain (USA) & M.T. Martins (Brazil)
3.4 - Health related microorganisms in the environment
Conveners: A. Dufour (USA) & W. Grabow (South Africa)
4.1 - Microbial ecology of food production
Conveners: W. M. de Vos (The Netherlands) & B. D. G. M. Franco (Brazil)
4.2 - Viral ecology
Conveners: M. Van Regenmortel (France) & J. A. C. S. Dias (Brazil)
4.3 - New trends and application of biotechnology
Conveners: R. R. Colwell (USA) & V. Campos (Chile)
4.4 - Insect microbial association / microbial pest control
Conveners: G. Moraes (Brazil) & C. L. Messias (Brazil)
5.1 - Microbial ecology of the digestive tract ecosystem
Conveners: G. Perdigon (Argentina) & M. K. Theodorou (UK)
5.2 - Molecular biology of host-pathogen interactions
Conveners: J. B. Kaper (USA) & L. R. Trabulsi (Brazil)
5.3 - Beneficial microbial soil and plant interactions
Conveners: R. Knowles (Canada) & J. Dobereiner (Brazil)
5.4 - Community analysis
Conveners: C. Pedros-Alio (Spain) & D. Ward (USA)
Invited contributions (Plenary Lectures and Symposia)
Invitations will be extended to speakers. Unless otherwise stated, invited
speakers are kindly requested to complete all forms required for contributed
papers as described below. Invited papers will be published as the Proceedings
of ISME-7. Invited speakers are asked to submit their manuscripts to the
registration desk upon arrival. The instructions for the Proceedings will be
sent directly to each speaker.
Contributed Oral Communications and Poster Presentations
This is the call for contributed Oral Communications (O) and Poster
Presentations (P) for the 7th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology.
The contributed Oral Communications are scheduled in the afternoons.
Each speaker will have 15 minutes, including questions and discussion.
Posters are intended to be displayed in the evening. We are planning to
organize a very good program in a very pleasant atmosphere, with prizes for
the best posters
and other innovations. More information will be given in the next announcement.
Those who wish to present a contributed paper are kindly requested to complete
the enclosed Abstract Form and return it (camera-ready) to the Secretariat of
ISME-7 no later than March 01, 1995. After the abstracts are reviewed, authors
will be notified of acceptance. Although the author's preference will be
considered, the Scientific Organizing Committee retains the right to assign
the paper to oral or poster sessions. To ensure maximal participation, only
one presentation per person will be permitted, and an author's name may appear
on no more than three papers. All contributed papers will be published in a
book of Abstracts, which will be available upon arrival and registration. In
accordance to the themes of the Symposia, the following focal topics are
suggested for participants:
A - Methods of microbial ecology
1 - New methods of community analysis
2 - Molecular methods for identification of microorganisms
3 - Strategies for the discovery, isolation and characterization of new organisms
B - Ecology of individuals and populations
4 - Microbiology of extreme environments
5 - Population dynamics, growth and survival
6 - Microbial attachment and its consequences
7 - Microhabitats and gradients
8 - Microorganisms in changing environments
9 - Strategies for growth and survival
C - Ecology of interacting populations
10 - Viruses
11 - Epidemiology and host-pathogen interactions
12 - Symbiosis
13 - Interactions among microorganisms
14 - Plant-microorganisms associations
15 - Animal-microorganisms associations
D - Communities and the environment
16 - Gene transfer in the environment
17 - Community potential: spores, cysts and other propagules
18 - Primary and secondary production
19 - Microbial food webs
20 - Structure and diversity of microbial communities
21 - Global ecology approaches and biogeochemical cycling
22 - Atmosphere and outer space as microbial habitats
E - Applied microbial ecology
23 - Ecological principles behind risk assessment
24 - Pollution control
25 - Agricultural applications
26 - Microbial ecology of food
27 - Biological control
28 - Energy production
F- Towards a theory of microbial ecology
29 - The role of models in microbial ecology
30 - Testing ecological hypothesis with microorganisms
31 - Microbial species concept
32 - Microbial evolution and molecular phylogeny
G - Scientific research management
33 - Funding policies
34 - Strategic research needs
35 - Networking
H - Information resources for microbial ecology
36 - Electronic networks and databases
37 - International cooperative projects
I - Others (please specify)
Please enclose two self-addressed postcards. The cards should bear the title
of the paper and the author's name. One card will be returned upon receipt of
the abstract; the second will be returned in April to notify the acceptance
of the abstract.
A camera-ready abstract of the Lectures, Symposia, Workshops/Round Tables,
Oral Communications and Poster Presentations will be published in a book.
This will be available at the registration desk upon arrival. The invited
papers in the Symposia will be further published as the Proceedings of ISME-7,
which will be mailed to the participants (except for students and accompanying
persons) a few months after the meeting.
Abstracts should be submitted only if the author is registered and intends
to present a paper. Abstracts received after 1st March, will not be published
in the book of Abstracts. There will be no editing of the abstracts. Please
read carefully all the instructions concerning the preparation of the
abstracts. Poorly prepared abstracts or those that fail to follow the
instructions will be rejected.In general, abstracts should contain a concise
statement of the following:
1 - The objective of the study
2 - Methodology
3 - Results
4 - Conclusions
A statement such as "the results will be discussed "will not be satisfactory. The abstract should not contain
tables, figures, references or acknowledgements.
The tentative schedule for the Symposia, Oral Communications and Poster
Presentations will be presented in the Final Announcement to be forwarded by
May 1995. Detailed information for presentation of papers will also appear in
the Final Announcement. The final schedule will be in the Congress Program to
be distributed at the registration desk on the day the congress conveners.
Oral Communications
(See page 9) Oral communications are scheduled in the afternoon, from 14:00 to
18:00. Each speaker will have 15 minutes, which includes questions and
discussion. One slide projector for 5cm x 5cm slides (35 mm) , and an
overhead projector will be available in each room. Complete information will
be in the Final Announcement.
Posters Presentations
(See page 9) Poster presentations are scheduled in the evenings. Authors must
be present at their posters form on the day and time that will be indicated.
The poster is a visual display mounted on a board of 90 cm x 90 cm. The
poster should be self explanatory even in the absence of the author. Detailed
time schedules for presentation of posters and instructions will appear in
the Final Announcement.
A range of equipment, biochemical reagents, books, industrial products and
information, etc. related to microbial ecology, physiology, and biotechnology,
will be exhibited in the Congress Hall during the meeting.
During ISME - 7 is planned a meeting of a new Committee "Inter-Union-IUMS-IUBS
Committee on Microbial Biodiversity", under the coordination of Dr. Rita R.
Colwell., University of Maryland,
Biotechnology Institute.
Early bird Late registration During the
Before March 31, After April 01, meeting
1995 1995
Participant US $ 300 US $ 350 US $ 400
Companies not exhibiting US $ 550 US $ 650 US $ 750
Companies exhibiting US $ 1,500 US $ 1,800 US $ 2,000
Student US $ 150 US $ 175 US $ 225
Accompanying person US $ 75 US $ 90 US $ 140
Fees will include:
1 Full participants
Conference documents
Admission to all sessions
Tourism information
Welcome reception
Coffee/tea served during breaks
Book of Abstracts
Proceedings (after the meeting)
2 Students
Conference documents
Admission to all sessions
Tourism information
Welcome reception
Coffee/tea served during breaks
Book of Abstracts
3 Accompanying persons
Tourism information
Admission to both Opening and Closing ceremonies
Welcome reception
Please note:
* Student registrations will have to be accompanied by a letter from the head
of the Department where the attendant carries out his/her research. In no
case will attendants older than 35 be considered students.
* Everybody participating in the Symposium will have to pay registration
fees, including Organizing Committee, speakers, lecturers and conveners.
* Companies not exhibiting will have right to receive two free inscriptions
* Companies exhibiting will have an area of 3m x 3m (9 my) for stands
As a prize to early birds we will have a surprise: FIVE free accommodation
(single), during the Symposium (for 1 night each) in Mendes Plaza Hotel-Santos
will be sorted by lottery, among those registered up to March 31, 1995
(it will not be allowed to change this prize for money).
Please, fill in the enclosed Registration Form and return it to the
Secretariat of ISME-7
Secretariat ISME-7
Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 1374 - Edif cio Biom dicas II
Cidade Universit ria
05508-900 S o Paulo SP Brazil
Phone/ Fax: +55-11-813.9647
All registration fees must be paid in American dollars by VISA credit card
filling the adequate form (in annex ). Brazilian participants can pay
registration fees by VISA credit card filling the adequate form (in
annex) or by draft ("ficha de compensa o") in any Brazilian bank.
Issuance of receipt and registration Card
Upon receiving your Registration Form and payment of the appropriate fees,
the Secretariat will send you a receipt and registration card. Please bring
this registration card with you for confirmation at the registration desk.
Cancellations must be made in written form to the Secretariat. Refund of the
registration fee will be
governed by the following conditions:
Cancellation by June, 30 - 50%
Cancellation after July, 1 - No refund
Concerning cancellation of accommodation fees, please refer to page 16 of
this Announcement. Please note that there will be no refund for excursion
fees once payment has been made.
On-site registration
Registration during the Congress period will be paid directly to the
Registration desk in cash. Personal
checks and credit cards are not acceptable.
Letter of invitation
Write to the Secretariat if you require a letter of invitation. Please
include a self-addressed envelope.
All participants and persons accompanying them are invited to attend the
following social activities:
Welcome Reception
Date: Sunday, August 27
Time: 18:00
Venue: Club Sirio-Libanes
Fee: Free of charge
Banquet with Samba Show.
Date:Thursday, August 31
Time: 20:00
Fee: US$ 40 per person
The excursions will occur on Wednesday, August 30. All the excursions will
have one stop for lunch, but the meals are not included in the price. Please,
note that the number of persons in each course is limited.
So, make the first and second choice from the tours listed below.
*Course-1 Full-day visit to Estacao Ecologica Jureia-Itatins.
Jur ia-Itatins is an ecological reserve located on the south coast of Sao
Paulo State. It is one of the most
beautiful preserved areas of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, with 79.245
hectare, good scenery, and wide biodiversity of the tropical rain forest
in Brazil. Capacity: max. 80 persons
Transportation: bus
Fee: US$25
*Course-2 Full-day visit to CEBIMAR - Sao Sebastiao.
CEBIMAR is the Center of Marine Biology of S o Paulo University. It is
located in S o Sebasti o city on the Northern coast of the Sao Paulo
State. You can visit the Center installations, learn about the research
that has been done there and visit the beautiful preserved beaches
around the Center. Capacity: max. 60 persons
Transportation: bus
Fee: US$ 27
*Course-3 Full-day visit to the Water Treatment Plant of Sao
Paulo-Cantareira and Wastewater Treatment Plant of Sao Paulo-Barueri.
Cantareira is one of the largest water treatment plants in the world
with water treat capacity for 33 m/sec. It contains modern equipments to
treat water and is located in a beautiful setting surrounded by the
mountains of Cantareira.
Barueri is the biggest wastewater treatment plant of S o Paulo with a
capacity of 7.0 m / sec. It is responsible for treating the majority of
wastewater from S o Paulo city, producing 200 ton/ day of dewatered sludge.
Capacity: 60 persons
Transportation: bus
Fee: US $: 36
*Course-4 Full-day visit to Botanical Garden and Zoo of Sao Paulo city.
The Botanical Garden has an area of 425.000 my. Lakes, woods and plants
from the Atlantic Forest give a sampling of the beautiful scenery of a
natural forest of Brazil. The zoo of Sao Paulo is considered one of
the 10 most important zoos of the world due the animal diversity of
animals presented. The Zoo and the Botanical Garden are inside an area
of the State Park of Sao Paulo in the remains of the rain forest.
Capacity: 80 persons
Transportation: bus
Fee: US$ 36
*Course-5 Half-day visit to Butantan Institute and campus of Sao Paulo
Butantan Institute is a center of research and production of anti-venom
vaccines. It has one of the largest collection of poisonous snakes,
scorpions and spiders of the world. Capacity: 60 persons
Transportation: bus
Fee: US$ 21
All the accompanying persons and participants will find information
tours and excursions at a special counter in the Congress Hall.
All matters related to accommodation and any request for further
information, will be handled by "Grantravel-Viagens e Turismo Ltda".
Rooms have been booked on behalf of participants at the following
Hotels, all of them are located in the center of the city of Santos and
are easily accessible by walking or public transportation. Participants
should complete the Hotel & Tour form attached to this announcement.
Application should be accompanied by a deposit (US$100). Reservations
must be made before May 30, 1995. Those received afterwards will be
handled according to available vacancies.
Payment should be done in US$ and can be selected from the following modes:
1- Credicard of American Express, Master Card or Visa Card
2- Traveller checks
Upon receipt Grantravel will confirm your booking by sending you a
voucher stating the name of the Hotel and the deposit you have paid,
which will be deducted from your bill at check out. Rooms will be
assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A confirmation slip will
be mailed to the applicants as receipt of payment.
Reservations can be cancelled by written notification, letter or fax to
Grantravel. at the following cost: When the notice is received,
30 days before, 20% of deposit.
10 to 29 days before, 50% of deposit.
Hotel Accommodation
Name of Hotel Single Double
(Category) US$ US$
Mendes Plaza Hotel***** 70 80
Panorama Hotel**** 53 67
Hotel Parque Balneario ***** 70 90
Hotel Atlantico*** 46 55
Hotel Praiano*** 35 40
Hotel Indaia*** 30 36
Hotel Avenida Palace*** 42 48
Hotel Fenicia*** 41 41
Ritz Hotel** 30 35
Hotel Paulista Praia** 24 39
Hotel Maracana** 24 39
Banks and foreign exchange
Its recomended that participants purchase traveler's checks in US
dollars before leaving their own countries. The Congress Secretariat
will accept only Brazilian Reais in cash or American Dollars. Foreign
currency exchange is available at banks at the International Airport -
Cumbica, and also at the major banks and hotels in the city, but it is
more convenient to bring dollars as they are easier exchange in Brazil.
The following Post-Congress tours are also available. Please contact
Grantravel Viagens e Turismo Ltda.
for further information (Hotel & Tour form).
*Tour-1 Manaus, Amazon (1,200 miles from Sao Paulo).
02 - 05 September (four days/three nights). Considered the biggest
tropical rain forest in the world, presents an inestimable scenery of
tropical biodiversity. City tour in Manaus, tour by boat to Negro river
(lunch), visit to Igarap , tour inside a Forest, technical visit to INPA
(National Institute of Amazon Research) with lectures about the
ecosystem of Amazon and the research developed in the Institute, visit
to Scientific Base of INPA. Hotel: Tropical Manaus
Capacity: 80 persons (the number is limited only for technical visits}
Fare: (per person) US$ 880
Transport: airplane Sao Paulo-Manaus -Sao Paulo
*Tour-2 Campo Grande - Pantanal (546 miles from Sao Paulo).
02 - 05 September (four days/three nights). Pantanal is a vast flooded
plain with more than 200.000 Kmy. It is one of the three most important
reproduction areas of migratory birds of the planet. This ecologic
refuge is the best place to observe the rich Brazilian fauna as tuiuiu,
caimans, capybaras and anteaters. City tour to Campo Grande, Photographic
Safari, visit to campus of the Universidade Federal do Mato
Grosso do Sul and the scientific base of the University inside the pantanal.
Hotel: Campo Grande Hotel
Fare: per person US$ 730
Capacity: 80 persons
Transport: airplane Sao Paulo-Campo Grande -Sao Paulo
*Tour-3 Rio de Janeiro (228 miles from S o Paulo)
02 - 04 September (three days/two nights). The famous wonderful city.
City tour, visit to Corcovado and P o de A car, night show in the
"Scala", technical visit to Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and
Laboratory of Soil Microbiology of the Universidade Rural.
Hotel: Hotel Nacional
Capacity: 80 persons (the number is limited only for technical visits)
Transport: S o Paulo - Rio de Janeiro - S o Paulo (or you can probably
take your plane to leave Brazil
in the International airport of Rio de Janeiro).
Fare: per person US$ 445
*Tour-4 Full-day visit to an Ethanol Production Farm (Ribeir o Preto,
SP) (228 miles from Santos).
02 September
Hotel: Bourbon Hotel or Park Avenue Hotel (****)
Capacity: 60 persons
Transport: Bus Santos-Ribeirao Preto-Sao Paulo
Fare: per person since US $ 119 (***) until US $ 195 (****)
Official Airplane Company: VARIG
Official Travel Agent
The Grantravel Viagens & Turismo Ltda. has been appointed the official
travel agent for the Congress to handle all travel arrangments to and in
Brazil. All inquires and application forms for hotel accomodations
and tour/excursions should be addressed to:
Grantravel - Viagens e Turismo Ltda
Convention Department, ISME7
Av. Paulista 726 - 6 andar
Phone: +55 (011) 288 - 0955
Telex: (11) 33157
FAX: 55-011- 288 0615
S o Paulo- SP- BR - CEP 01310-100
Attached Form
Climate and clothing
The average temperature in Santos is 26oC during September. Accordingly,
light and casual clothing is appropriate.The Congress Hall is
air-conditioned. Formal dress will not be necessary for any of the
Congress events.
Access to Santos
The most convenient means is to take the direct flight to S o Paulo
International Airport (Guarulhos). Special buses for the Congress will
depart from S o Paulo International Airport frequently and go
directly to Mendes Plaza Hotel in the city of Santos (100 Km from
International Airport of S o Paulo). Please contact Grantravel for
informations about different flights connections or other transportation.
Additional information
Power supply: 220V.
Frequency: 60 Hz
Passport and Visas
All foreign visitors entering Brazil must have valid passports. Visas
are also required for all countries except for limitrophe countries. For
individual cases, participants are recommended to consult their travel
agencies, carriers or the Brazilian Consulate.
Santos is a coastal city with 600 thousand habitants, localized 70 Km
far from S o Paulo. There are 6 Km of beaches with beautiful gardens
near the sea, good restaurants and Hotels and several tourist
attractions to visit such as Museum of Sea, Aquarium, Orchidario, the
largest Port of Latin America, shopping centers and historical sites.
XXVI Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology.
July 23 to 29, 1995. S o Paulo, Brazil.
Contact: R. Henry - General Secretary
University of S o Paulo State - UNESP
Department of Zoology - Institute of Biosciences. C.P. 502
CEP: 18618-000 - Botucatu - SP, Brazil
Fax: +55-162-719241
XII International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry - Biosphere
and Atmospheric Changes. September 4 to 8. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. .
Contact: Prof. Lu s H. Melges Figueiredo
Instituto de Geoci ncias - UERJ
R. S o Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 4019 B
CEP: 20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
Fax: +55 21 2202305 or +55 21 2845033
Bitnet: ISEB at BRUERJ
Form for payment of registration fees by credit card
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Value: US $
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Signature (as shown on passport): Date: /
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CIC (Brazilian people):
Passport number (foreign people): Date of Birth:
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Name: Name:
CIC(Brazilian CIC(Brazilian
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Grantravel Viagens e Turismo Ltda.
Av. Paulista 726, 6th floor - 607
01310 - 100 - S o Paulo - SP - Brazil
Phone: +55 - 11 - 288 - 0955 - Fax: +55 - 11 - 288 - 0615
I'm considering attending the ISME-7 and I would like information on:
Hotel accomodations 1st option 2nd option 3rd option
Single US$ Double US$
1)Mendes Plaza Hotel***** 70 80
2) Panorama Hotel **** 53 67
3) Parque Balneario Hotel **** 70 90
4) Atlantico Hotel*** 46 55
5) Praiano Hotel*** 35 40
6) Indaia Hotel*** 30 36
7) Avenida Palace Hotel*** 42 48
8) Fenicia Hotel *** 41 41
9) Ritz Hotel** 30 35
10) Paulista Praia Hotel ** 24 39
11) Maracana Hotel ** 24 39
MID-MEETING EXCURSIONS 1st option 2nd option 3rd option
A) Ecological reserve Jur ia-Itatins B) Center of Marine Biology - CEBIMAR
C) Water and wastewater treatment plant D) Botanical Garden and Zoo
E) Butantan Institute and Campus of Sao Paulo University
Post-Congress tours 1st option 2nd option 3rd option
I) Amazon (Manaus Area) II) Pantanal Flood Plains
III) Rio de Janeiro IV) Ethanol Production Farm
Date: / Signature: