Identification of micrococci and relatives

Clay Comstock comstock at plains.nodak.edu
Fri Mar 31 17:05:29 EST 1995

Dear Bionetters,
I'm a student at Dickinson State University and I have recently isolated a 
unknown which I thought was of the genus Micrococcus but after further 
anaylsis I found that it also grows on 20% NaCL.  Which lead me to believe 
that it was of the genus Planococcus.  Then, I began looking at the genus 
Deinococcus and I am currently doing a UV test. I am using Bergey's Manual of 
Systematic Bacteriology vol. 2 1986.  

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could give me and further assistance to 
determine my isolate. Please send mail to comstock at plains.nodak.edu or post it 
on the bionet. 

Clay Comstock

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