info on Zoogloea ramiglera

Scott Kellogg kellogg at raven.csrv.uidaho.edu
Wed Mar 29 10:34:35 EST 1995

Check the Procaryotes (new or older edition), but it's easily isolated 
from sewage.

Christy Barndt (cb9474 at cutter.ship.edu) wrote:
: Hello!  I was wondering if anyone could offer some information on Zoogloea
: ramiglera.  I need to do a project on it in my lab.  What I need to
: know is where it is found in nature and how to isolate it from a culture.
: Any help is greatly appreaciated!  Thanks in advance.

: -Feisty

Scott T. Kellogg, Dept. of Microbiol., Mol. Biol. & Biochem.
Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3052  Internet: kellogg at uidaho.edu
Phone: 208-885-6966      Fax: 208-885-6518

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