What causes Swimmer's Ear?

Enevold.Falsen at alinks.se Enevold.Falsen at alinks.se
Sun Mar 26 23:29:56 EST 1995

I am not involved in routine clinical bacteriology, so I can't 
give the correct answer.
We have in the CCUG some unusual isolates from ear (otitis):
3 recent cases of Vibrio cholerae (no toxin) - from Sweden !
6-8 cases of Vibrio alginolyticus
During 20 years I used to swim 4000 meters per week without 
insidence of ear infections.

E. F.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: What causes Swimmer's Ear?
Author:  PC {rmday at uoguelph.ca}
Date:    1995-03-23 21.31

Does anybody know what the name of the bacteria is?  Any info would be 

************ CCUG = Bacterial strains & Identification *************
Enevold Falsen, Civ.ing. - Curator            Voice: +46.31.60 46 25
Culture Collection, University of Goteborg      Fax: +46.31.82 54 84
Guldhedsg 10, S-413 46 Goteborg, Sweden      IN: <ccugef at ccug.gu.se>

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