Enterotube II

truemonk at csulb.edu truemonk at csulb.edu
Sun Mar 26 03:06:19 EST 1995

On 25 Mar 1995 HILL at NS.RHODES.EDU wrote:

> As a professor who uses *both* individual plates/tubes *and* Enterotubes in a 
> general introductory (not mainly medical) microbiology lab, my answer would be 
> that oftentimes the old format works better.  For instance, not all tests have 
> the same optimum temperatures and times of incubation -- having separate 
> cultures lets you treat them individually.  Also, when the purpose is to detect 
> weak reactions or to let a novice (student) see *clearly* a result, the tubes 
> provide a much larger and more sensitive format for that.  Finally, those tests 
> like V.P. and Indole which require the addition of a reagent to the medium can 
> be pretty messy in an Enterotube -- MUCH easier in a broth.
> Enterotubes are wonderful -- as I said, I use them -- both because they expand 
> the range of tests we can do, and in order to show students how it's done "in 
> the real world".  But there's also value in the silly tubes and plates.
> Terry Hill
> Rhodes College
> Memphis Tennessee

  I submit.
  I have seen the error of my ways.
  Impetuous youth must give way to experienced wisdom.
  So please stop the deluge of personal email to me :)
  My original post was meant as a tongue-in-cheek piece.
  Unfortunately I am very new to the Internet and only just getting used to
  the funny character sequences necessary to convey emotional nuances.
  I am most unworthy.

ps Thanks to the people who did write. It's heartening to know that I can 
be corrected and reprimanded by professors halfway around the world :)


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