can mycoplasma survive 30min 56C

Marnix L. Bosch marnix at u.washington.edu
Fri Mar 24 16:30:06 EST 1995

In article <RHUISMAN.124.795882647 at viro.fgg.eur.nl>,
RHUISMAN at viro.fgg.eur.nl (R.Ch. HUISMAN @ VIRO) wrote:

> Hi there,
> Does anyone know if Mycoplasma can stand 30min 56C?

Hi Robin,

Here's the answer from our local mycoplasma expert: In serumfree media the
activity will decrease by 5 - 6 logs. This was not tested in the presence
of serum. If your question relates to inactivation of serum and the
concomitant killing of mycoplasma, he suggested prolonged freezing of the
serum at -20. This will take care of the little buggers very effectively


Marnix L. Bosch
marnix at u.washington.edu

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