M.Sc. Studentship/PECOS

Korber, Darren KORBER at skyfox.usask.ca
Wed Mar 22 17:33:43 EST 1995

Department of Applied Microbiology and Food Science

Available immediately, graduate studentship leading to a M.Sc.  
(with possible transfer to Ph.D.) in Microbial Ecology.  The studentUs
thesis research will primarily focus on the role of microbial
communities in biodegradation of agricultural hydrocarbons.  This
research will involve remote sensing (confocal scanning laser
microscopy and digital imaging/processing) and molecular probe
approaches to evaluate physical and chemical interelationships which
exist and develop between microbial community members as they
respond to steady-state gradients of toxicant and/or nutrients.
	Analytical chemical procedures, as well as determinative
microbiological approaches, will also play an integral role during these

	As a part of the interdisplinary PECOS (Prarie Ecosystem Study)
project, the canditate will play an integral role in the study of
agricultural sustainability in Saskatchewan.  An above average
knowledge and interest in microbial physiology, microscopy, and
scientific computer applications will definately be an asset for any
candidate interested in pursuing this opportunity.

Applicants should forward a curriculum vitae and transcripts to Dr.
Darren R. Korber, Department of Applied Microbiology and Food
Science, University of Saskatchewan, S7N 0W0.  Upon approval by the
College of Graduate Studies and Research and PECOS, the successful
applicant may begin studies immediately.

Ph:  306-966-7786, 7704
fax: 306-966-8898
email: Korber@ sask.usask.ca

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