Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE)

M K Bennett pamkb at mail.bris.ac.uk
Wed Mar 22 04:19:33 EST 1995

Shiao Y. Wang (sywang at whale.st.usm.edu) wrote:
: r jones (rpj2xego at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: :  Im new to the Inet and I hope Im doing this right.  Im doing research, 
: : at NIH (Bethesda, Md) on a ds RNA virus reassortants. Some of the genes 
: : of various strains comigrate on a standard PAGE and Ive read that the 
: : TGGE technique may help differentiate between strains. The only source 
: : of this apparatus, that Ive found is from DIAGEN of Dusseldorf Germany, 

: Have you considered DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)? CBS
: Scientific sells a DGGE system for about $2000. 800-243-4959.

I wouldnt bother buying other apparatus just adapt you present PAGE or
sequencing kit.  If you do DGGE (which has the gradient as increasing
concentrations of denaturent rather than constant levels of denaturant and
a temperature gradient TGGE) your main problem is just to keep the
temperature of your gels constant.  Look in Methods in Enzymology to find
the home made version, sorry cant remember the ref of the top of my head. 
If you cant find it I will hunt it out.

Mike Bennett D.Phil		|Scientists have odious manners, except when
Dept Pathology and Microbiology,|you prop up their theory; then you can borrow
University of Bristol, UK	|money from them--Mark Twain 1917 
m.k.bennett at bristol.ac.uk	|

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