Microbial ecologist seeks postdoc

Mark Fuller ez044157 at dale.ucdavis.edu
Tue Mar 21 14:50:54 EST 1995

I am seeking a POSTDOCTORAL research position in microbial ecology and/or
ecotoxicology.  I have conducted research on the effects of organic
pollutants on microbial communities in soil, with special emphasis on the
impacts on nitorgen cycling.  I have worked with many types of organic
pollutants, including PAH's.  I have also collaborated with students and
faculty in civil & environmental engineering and nematology on
multidiciplinary research projects dealing with microbial ecology and

I will complete my Ph. D. (Microbiology) in June 1995.  I
can be reached via email at :  mefuller at ucdavis.edu or by phone at
 (916) 752-0146 

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