DKleiman dkleiman at aol.com
Tue Mar 21 11:05:44 EST 1995

If anyone has any interest in NITRIC OXIDE measurements, and would like to
learn about newly introduced real time in situ nitric oxide microsensors,
feel free to contact me by e-mail (DKleiman at aol.com), or call (813)
371-1003.  World Precision Instruments has been manufacturing a real time
nitric oxide sensor for physiological measurements for over two years,
which has been quite successful worldwide. 
 In response to market demand we have just introduced MICROSENSORS which
have unprecedented performance for a microsensor, with a tip diameter of
just 30 um. These new microsensors offer very high sensitivity and
selectivity for nitric oxide, with no interference from dopamine, carbon
monoxide, or other neurotransmitters or chemical species relevant to
nitric oxide research.
 If attending the upcoming Nitric Oxide Meeting in Philadelphia you may
see the instrument and sensors by stopping by our booth.  I would be happy
to mail anyone who e-mails me their address a catalog and literature
explaining the instrument in detail.

Sincerely Yours
David Kleiman
World Precision Instruments
175 Sarasota Center Blvd
Sarasota, FL

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