Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE)

Shiao Y. Wang sywang at whale.st.usm.edu
Mon Mar 20 23:10:05 EST 1995

r jones (rpj2xego at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
:  Im new to the Inet and I hope Im doing this right.  Im doing research, 
: at NIH (Bethesda, Md) on a ds RNA virus reassortants. Some of the genes 
: of various strains comigrate on a standard PAGE and Ive read that the 
: TGGE technique may help differentiate between strains. The only source 
: of this apparatus, that Ive found is from DIAGEN of Dusseldorf Germany, 

Have you considered DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)? CBS
Scientific sells a DGGE system for about $2000. 800-243-4959.

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