Pierre_Talbot at Infopuq.UQUEBEC.CA Pierre_Talbot at Infopuq.UQUEBEC.CA
Mon Mar 20 10:20:33 EST 1995

The Institut Armand-Frappier is a research institute located outside Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. We have 2 fellowships available on a competitive basis for
applications received before April 15, 1995. I am personally looking for a 
recent Ph.D.
with experience in molecular immunology to characterize cross-reactive epitopes
between myelin antigens and coronavirus in multiple sclerosis or a project to
use recombinant antibody libraries to characterize molecular mimicry of
antigens by anti-idiotypic antibodies.
Please contact:
Prof. Pierre Talbot
Laboratory of Neuroimmunovirology
Virology Research Center
Institut Armand-Frappier
531, boulevard des Prairies
Laval, Quebec, CANADA H7N 4Z3
Tel: (514) 687-5010 extension 4406
Fax: (514) 686-5531
E-mail: Pierre_Talbot at iaf.uquebec.ca

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