Group B Strep

Wed Mar 15 21:50:11 EST 1995

Group b strep may be found in the vagina and rectum of 5 to 35% of pregnant
women.  This causes no harm to the women.  However, among colonized pregnant
women, 40% to 70% of their infants will acquire the identical group b strep
strain either in utero or during delivery.  Among colonized infants, disease
may occur in two to five infants per 1,000 live births.  Neonatal disease with
group b strep causes two different clinical patterns.  Disease that occurs
during the first 5 days of life usually results in sepsis and pneumonia. 
Disease that occurs from 7 days to approximately 5 months usually results in
meningitis and bacteremia.  
It is recommended that all pregnant women be screened for group b strep during
pregnancy.  This is done by culturing the vagina and rectum.  However, this
does not guarantee that infection of the infant will be prevented. 
It is recommended that pregnant women be screened for group b strep during
pregnancy.  This is done by culturing the vagina and rectum.  Howeve

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