Streptococcus agalactiae - Lancefield's group B

Enevold.Falsen at alinks.se Enevold.Falsen at alinks.se
Wed Mar 15 04:40:57 EST 1995

I am not sure it is wise to reply - there may be too many replies 

GBS is not to play around with and there is plenty of literature 
on this organism.


************ CCUG = Bacterial strains & Identification *************
Enevold Falsen, Civ.ing. - Curator            Voice: +46.31.60 46 25
Culture Collection, University of Goteborg      Fax: +46.31.82 54 84
Guldhedsg 10, S-413 46 Goteborg, Sweden      IN: <ccugef at ccug.gu.se>

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