Advanced Bacterial Genetics Course

Stanley Maloy s-maloy at uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 14 18:26:55 EST 1995

Advanced Bacterial Genetics Course
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
June 9 - 29, 1995

Valley Stewart (Cornell University), Ron Taylor (Dartmouth University),
and I will be teaching the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Advanced
Bacterial Genetics course again this June.  The experiments include
everything from "real genetics" [constructing transposon insertions,
chemical mutagenesis, mapping and complementation analysis of mutations,
isolation and characterization of suppressors, using phage as genetic
tools, constructing point mutations in vivo and in vitro using localized
and site directed mutagenesis, making chromosome rearrangements, etc] to
molecular biology [PCR, restriction mapping, RFLP mapping, DNA sequencing,
etc].  Most of the experiments use Salmonella typhimurium, E. coli  and
Vibrio .  Whenever possible we use several approaches:  specific methods
which are very powerful but limited to enteric bacteria as well as general
methods that can be used in a wide variety of bacteria.  Daily talks range
from lectures on genetics, molecular biology, and bacterial physiology to
research seminars by an outstanding group of outside speakers.  The course
is very intensive.  We start after breakfast each morning and continue
until well into the night seven days a week.

The students in the ABG course include scientists with a diversity of
interests, for example people interested in areas like microbial ecology and
pathogenesis in addition to people interested in basic molecular genetics
of E. coli and Salmonella.  The course typically consists of a mixture of
professors, postdocs, and some advanced graduate students.  We get many
applications, but we try to accept those scientists who, in addition to
personally benefiting from the course, will dissiminate the information to
the widest possible audience.  Next summer the course will run from June 9
- 29.  The deadline for applications will be March 15.  The tuition, room,
and board for the three weeks is $2,180.  We are able to offer fellowships
that cover a reasonable portion of this fee to many of the students,
depending on need. An application form can be obtained from:

Registrar, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
PO Box 100, Bungtown Road
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
Phone:  (516)367-8343 
Fax:  (516)367-8845
E-mail:  meetings at CSHL.org  

The students will be picked during the first week of April and, since we
receive more applications than we have available slots, no late admissions
can be considered. 

Stanley Maloy
Department of Microbiology
University of Illinois
131 Burrill Hall, 407 S. Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801

Stanley Maloy
Department of Microbiology
University of Illinois
131 Burrill Hall, 407 S. Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801

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