Need help/advice with Clostridium botulinum

Jeffrey R.L. Smith jsmith at mondrian.CSUFresno.EDU
Mon Mar 13 17:49:17 EST 1995

   I am currently working on a project in my microbiology class and
need some help.
   I am working with the Dept. of Fish and Game here in California and
will have to grow samples of C. botulinum type C.  I'm looking for
media for which C. botulinum will grow.  I know it must be done in an
anaerobic environment but I have had a hard time finding what medium
would work well.  
     I will also be looking at the composition of the soil I sample
and would appreciate any information or names of good sources I might
search to find the requirements of C. botulinum type C.  

  Thanks in Advance.

  Jeffrey R.L. Smith
jsmith at mondrian.csufresno.edu

   If you have problems, dissolve them...
     	       	    	      -Larry Gonick

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