Sherry Schmidt sherry_schmidt at nrel.gov
Fri Mar 10 08:26:58 EST 1995

In article <3j8v4c$ofc at newsbf02.news.aol.com> dcving at aol.com (DCVING) writes:
>From: dcving at aol.com (DCVING)
>Date: 4 Mar 1995 00:51:08 -0500

I would recommend not relying on actual listings of jobs for which you have 
the qualifications.  *Most* job openings are *not* advertised.  I got my first 
job by sending three separate resumes and cover letters to the company I 
really wanted to work for (in addition to many other resumes/applications).  
My current job I got by responding to a newspaper ad, but the actual position 
I got was actually higher than the one advertised (it had not yet been 
advertised and  they wanted to hire two of the candidates).  I would suggest 
perusing your newspaper for the names of companies - pharmaceutical, breweries 
(QA/QC jobs), analytical labs, etc.  Send them resumes and cover letters.  
Remember to check out universities and national laboratories and federal 
departments.  Libraries have lists of local businesses.  You may also want to 
consider a temp agency (for lab personell) or a headhunter.  Don't wait for a 
potential employer to look for you, let him/her know you're out there.  Good 
luck, I know job searching can be very trying.

>I am trying to find a job in microbiology.  Does anyone know of a good
>place (such as journals, magazines, databases) where I could find micro
>job listings?

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