Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE)

r jones rpj2xego at ix.netcom.com
Thu Mar 9 13:38:30 EST 1995

 Im new to the Inet and I hope Im doing this right.  Im doing research, 
at NIH (Bethesda, Md) on a ds RNA virus reassortants. Some of the genes 
of various strains comigrate on a standard PAGE and Ive read that the 
TGGE technique may help differentiate between strains. The only source 
of this apparatus, that Ive found is from DIAGEN of Dusseldorf Germany, 
but when I tried to get a phone # from German information I was told 
they dont exist. Can anyone help in either tracking down DIAGEN or 
information on an American source, or does anyone know of someone at NIH 
that has this apparatus that I could borrow. Any information on this 
subject would be greatly appriciated. Please send any replys to:
  rpj2xego at ix.netcom.com
					Thanks   Ron Jones

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