Kirsty Townsend (ktownsen at writes:
>> I'm hoping someone out there can help me, because I'm having huge problems
> with restriction digests of particular strains of Pasteurella multocida.
> I get at the end of it all, will cut with Eco RI but not with Pst I. I
> have tried using increased enzyme concentrations, different buffer etc
> etc but to no avail. Can somebody help me??? Other strains cut perfectly
> well with both enzymes, so it has to be the effect of the LPS.
Does it have to be the LPS? Is it possible this particular
strain carries the PstI or equivalent restriction-modification
system, so all the PstI sites are modified and won't cut for
that reason? Just a thought.
Walter Ogston ogston at
Department of Biology Phone: (616)337-7010
Kalamazoo College Fax: (616)337-7251
Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3295