Microbiologists Contributions

ssakal at asmusa.org ssakal at asmusa.org
Tue Mar 7 14:44:32 EST 1995


The American Society for Microbiology's Precollege Education Committee
has initiated a project to identify the contributions of microbiologists of diverse
ethnic backgrounds to the field of microbiology.  The goals of this project are
three-fold:  1) to identify and celebrate those microbiologists from various diverse
cultures who have contributed to the development of microbiology; 2) to prepare
a record of their accomplishments and acquire photographs of these individuals;
and 3) to make this information available to ASM members, school teachers, and
students in both hard copy and electronic mail form.  The contributions of many
microbiologists is being lost without adequate documentation and recognition.
Many of our members and the public have requested this information to provide
appropriate role models for the children of diversity that make up our communities
and will become the microbiologists of the future.

The committee is seeking information about the accomplishments of these
microbiologists and any relevent photographs that may be available.  We encourage
fellow microbiologists to join our effort and help with this important project.  Please
send information or questions to:  Marian Johnson-Thompson,  National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, NIH, South Campus, Bldg. 101, Rm. B238,
MD B2-09, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; T: 919-541-4265, F: 919-541-2260,
or e-mail: johnso21 at niehs.nih.gov.

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