Delft School Family Tree Project

LESLEY LESLEY at dutsf29.stm.tudelft.nl
Tue Mar 7 07:03:17 EST 1995

  The Delft School of Microbiology Family Tree is growing fast. Many
thanks to those who have thus far contributed. 
  We are still hoping to hear from others whose place among the
branches has not yet been claimed. It would be nice to make the Tree
as complete as possible, before the Beijerinck Centennial in December
  We are especially (but not exculsively) interested, at this time,
in hearing from people who did their PhD or a postdoc with H.A.
Barker, M.Douderoff, R. Stanier, P. Smith, B.E. Volcani, J.T. Staley,
H. Larsen and J.P. van der Walt. Alternatively, I would very much
like to hear from anyone who has access to lists of the PhD students
or postdocs of these people.

  please contact me, Lesley Robertson
snailmail: Dr. L.A.Robertson
           Kluyver Laboratory for Biotechnology
           Delft University of Technology
           Julianalaan 67, 2628BC, Delft,
           the Netherlands
fax: (15)782355
email: L.A.Robertson at stm.tudelft.nl

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