*** streptomyces infection (Q?)

Kelly Tetro ktetro at acs.ucalgary.ca
Mon Mar 6 00:07:22 EST 1995

In article <3jdmje$ah9 at tribune.usask.ca>,
Sandford Leung <sjl140 at arts.usask.ca> wrote:
>anyone know what type of infection streptomyces can cause?

According to my handy medical micro text, Streptomyces is
generally non-pathogenic.

>anyone know of any reported cases of infection by streptomyces in the 

The same text reports, 80% of urinary tract infections in
uncomplicated cases is caused by E. coli, other possibilities:
Proteus mirabilis, other Enterobacteriaceae, Staphyloccus saprophyticus,
Streptococci (enterococci and grp B) and Chlamydiae. For
complicated or nosocomial infections, E. coli, Klebsiella, other
Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia have
been implicated.

>anyone know of any anti microbial agents that are effective against 

Streptomyces have been valuable in the production of antibiotics
(eg. steptomycin, tetracycline).


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