M. tuberculosis and Peruvian mummy

sutherlandmv sutherlandmv at alpha.hendrix.edu.
Mon Mar 6 11:29:01 EST 1995

In article <3ivbc8$g76 at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>
<Herveg at bian.ucl.ac.be> writes:

> But it is difficult fo me to imagine that the Amerindians brougth the M.
> tuberculosis with them through the Berhing more tha 10.000 years ago: this
> Berhing and North America crossing seems a kind of selection against those
> bearing it. 
> Jean-Pierre Herveg

Mycobacteria frequently persists for years in microscoptic tubercules,
causing no symptoms.  These may erupt many years after formation
allowing someone to easily be a long ways away from where they were
when they acquired the disease.

Mark Sutherland
Hendrix College
Conway, AR 72032
Sutherlandmv at alpha.hendrix.edu

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