Looking for European work in Immunology or ?

Aaron J Mackey amackey at reed.edu
Wed Mar 1 20:05:00 EST 1995

Dear M.D.'s, Ph.D.'s, D.V.M.'s, etc. in the UK and EC,

	I am an undergraduate at Reed College in Portland Oregon, USA, 
about to graduate with a B.A. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  
I plan to attend graduate school at Washington University in 
St. Louis, Missouri, in the Department of Immunology, to obtain my Ph.D.  
Currently, however, I am attempting to find a lab job in the UK 
or at any other english-speaking European laboratory for the coming year, 
and defer my admission to grad school for this period.

	My reasons for this job search are simple; I wish to take a year 
off from my studies and have an international experience, but would like to 
maintain my involvement in science.  This is the one time in my life when I 
will have the opportunity for a year to live in a foreign country, so I'm 
trying to arrange full time employment abroad.

	My research experience is extensive and includes knowledge of most 
standard biochemical techniques, as well as some genetic and cellular 
work (PCR, FACS, etc.)  I am currently working on my undergraduate thesis 
project, the complete synthesis of a putative enzyme inhibitor, so my 
chemistry background is solid as well.  I would love the chance to work 
in an immunology-related field, but I would be happy for any opportunity. 
I won't bother with a full c.v. here, but one is obviously available, as 
well as excellent letters of recommendation from current and past 
research advisors.

	I ask that any of you who either have or know of, an available 
research or lab tech position, in academia or industry, beginning around 
next September and lasting for about a year, PLEASE respond via email to 
the address below.  Thank you for your time.

Aaron J Mackey
#422 Reed College
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR  97202-8199
(503) 775-1523

email: amackey at reed.edu

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