Position Wanted

an263978 at anon.penet.fi an263978 at anon.penet.fi
Thu Jun 29 11:29:59 EST 1995

Since no one flamed my for my previous question
concerning appropriateness of a positions wanted
notice in this newsgroup, here goes.

Ph.D. Bacteriology 1970;  31 years varied professional
experience in research.  Some teaching, as TA, Instructor,
Visiting Assist. Prof.  Around 95 publications including
several book chapters; one is in Foodborne Disease Handbook
Hui and others eds.  1994.  
I'm looking for an undergraduate teaching position at
any level, e.g. Junior College, Smaller sized college, Professional
School.  Duties to be limited to teaching and academic
advising.  Will teach advanced courses or graduate courses
but will not take on graduate students.
Salary very negotiable, contract terms also neogtiable and

If you know of anything like this, please e-mail the position
announcement etc. to me  at richardlz at aol.com or
ziprin at usda.tamu.edu

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