Faculty Positions in Microbiology

Van Wilson vgw6350 at rigel.tamu.edu
Thu Jun 22 08:58:52 EST 1995

               Medical Microbiology and Immunology
                 Assistant or Associate Professor

The Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Texas A&M 
University College of Medicine, invites applications for tenure tract 
faculty positions at the assistant or associate professor level.  
These are 12-month appointments with a competitive salary, excellent
facilities, and substantial start-up funds.  Faculty members will be 
expected to participate in team-taught medical and graduate level 
courses, and to establish a vigorous and independent research program.
Individuals with a research focus on microbial genetics and/or 
pathogenesis are especially encouraged to apply, but candidates with 
an emphasis on other subdisciplines, including immunology, will be 

The department is located on the main campus of Texas A&M University,
is affilitiated with the Institute of Molecular Pathogenesis and
Therapeutics, and participates in campus-wide programs in molecular 
and cell biology, genetics, and others.  Review of applicants will 
begin immediately and continue until positions are filled.  Interested
applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae, a brief statement
of research interests and goals, pertinent reprints, and a list of 
three references to Van Wilson, Search Committee Chairman, Dept. of 
Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX  77843-1114.  Texas A&M University is an affirmative 
action/equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from 
women and minorities.

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