
Brian Hoyle brianh at gov.nb.ca
Mon Jun 19 09:16:25 EST 1995

In article <Pine.SOL.3.90.950615135357.9260A-100000 at ug> redwood at UG.CS.DAL.CA (Ira Redwood) writes:
>From: redwood at UG.CS.DAL.CA (Ira Redwood)
>Newsgroups: bionet.microbiology
>Subject: Coliform
>Date: 16 Jun 1995 10:05:06 -0700
>Organization: BIOSCI International Newsgroups for Molecular Biology
>Lines: 18
>Sender: daemon at net.bio.net
>Distribution: world
>Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.90.950615135357.9260A-100000 at ug>
>References: <199501041436.GAA08569 at net.bio.net>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: net.bio.net

>  Hi
>Are there any simple, do-at-home type tests that someone could do to 
>merely test for the presence of coliform? I've read of the more 
>complicated ones that identify and quantify the bacteria, but I have a 
>landowner that simply wants to test to see if there's a presence, and 
>avoid the high cost of getting repeated tests done. Any ideas?

Try the presence/absence test available from IDEXX Laboratories, One IDEXX 
Drive, Westbrook, Maine 04092 (Phone: 207-856-0300). The test is easy to do, 
accurate and not terribly expensive. Results can be obtained at ambient 
temperature, but if the homeowner could incubate at 35oC, so much the better.

I would recommend that the homeowner contact his/her public health office for 
the testing, rather than do the test themself. The public health inspectors 
are very good at water testing and, most importantly, interpretation of the 
results and follow-up action (if necessary). 

Hope this helps.

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