The Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology will be held
San Jose this August 6-11. The meeting is proceeded by a "wet" workshop
"Isolation of Fungi from Natural Substrates." Expect a very topical and
informative meeting with an informal atmosphere.
Some session topics for the meeting are: What's happening in the
Biotechnology Industry? Bioremediation Science and Technology, US EPAs
Regulatory Approach, Metabolic Engineering, Environmental Review of
Biotechnology-derived Products - FDA and USDA Issues, Biotechnology of
Streptomyces, Fungi and Actinomycetes, Fungal Biotransformation,
and Food Biotechnology, Microbial Production of Natural Pigments and
Products from Marine Microbiology, Secretion and Eukaryotic Physiology,
Biopesticides, Protection of Intellectual Property...etc.
If you would like more information about this conference please send me an
E-mail with your Snail Mail address and I will send it ASAP.
See you there,
Justin Neway