IK>I'm looking for a simple, all-purpose hand wash culture procedure,
IK>preferably using standard media routinely kept on hand in a clinical
IK>micro lab. This is not something we ordinarily do, but I have been
IK>asked to have a procedure ready, should the need arise.
IK>Thanks in advance for any assistance.
IK>Kate Black ksblack at detroit.freenet.orgrcblack at oeonline.com
IK> ***It is wisdom to know others;
IK> It is enlightenment to know one's self. --Lao Tzu***
Check out some of these ASTM procedures:
E 1115-91 "Standard Test method for Evaluation of Surgical Hand Scrub
E 1173-87 "Standard Test Method for Evaluation of a Pre-Operative Skin
E 1174-87 "Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Health Care Personnel
Handwash Formulation."
E 1327-90 "Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Health Care Personnel
Formulations by Utilizing Fingernail Regions."
The Amer. Soc. for Testing and Materials (ASTM) put out a compilation of
microbiology procedures in 1993 entitled "ASTM Standards on Materials
and Environmental Microbiology" that is of some use. ASTM is at 1916
Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
Scott Sutton
The Microbiology BBS 817-557-0330 (USA)
Dedicated to the biologist in industry, academics, and health care.
Providing specialized file collections, and network communication on AegisNet,
Internet (microbiol.org), FidoNet (1:130/415), HealthCare Net (60:6220/1).