In article <Stephen_Lasky-0906951443250001 at>,
Stephen_Lasky at (Stephen R. Lasky, Ph.D.) wrote:
> In article <3r4iq3$hfv at>, Martin at wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know where on this planet I can purchase a Hughes Pressure Cell?
> > It's a stainless steel block with two cylinders in it joined by a narrow
> > aperture. The idea is that one cools it to -20deg' C say, puts a
> >suspension of bugs or whatever into one cylinder and by application of
> > pressure to a piston pushes the solid pellet through the aperture. This
> > shears the material in the pellet. I want it because I wish to crack open
> >pathogenic bacteria in small
> > volumes and for this would be more suitable than a French press for
> >
> > No, my surname isn't Hughes!
> > Thanks for any forthcoming advice,
> > Martin.
>> We used to call that a "French Press" There was one, long out of use, at
> the University of Cal at Santa Barbara. It was attached to a really nice
> fermenter that at one time was used by Ellis Engelsberg and Nancy Lee to
> grow up bugs to study the Ara operon. I don't know whether it is still
> there, but they may be willing to part with it cheaply as I don't suspect
> anyone is using it at this point ( shipping is another story). You might
> try to get in touch with one of the MoleBiol faculty at UCSB to find out.
>> SRLasky
French press cells are available in fairly small volumes, e.g. 5 ml
cells. I've broken cells in 1 ml volumes in these cells without any
problems. SLM-Aminco, Urbana, IL, USA makes them, and they can be used in
the cold room. They are not cheap, but they break tough bacterial cells
better than anything else (e.g. sonication, osmotic lysis). You could
also use a probe sonicator-it works with many bacteria. French press is
the best way to go, though, in my opinion.