Labeling Petri Dishes

Gary Chrebet gary_chrebet at Merck.Com
Thu Jun 15 16:54:51 EST 1995

                      Labeling Petri Dishes                        6/15/95
We routinely photograph petri plates in our laboratory. Would anyone know of
where I can purchase Qualidate Labels (Cat.No. 6327) for a Qualidate Labeler
(Cat.No. 6320)?  The manufacturer (3M Medical Products Division) no longer
produces either product and the distributor (Baxter Scientific) no longer has
them in stock. We use the product to label petri dishes with a label
containing the name of the medium with up to four alphabetical and four
numerical characters as well as the date the medium was made. Recommendations
on a comparable product and manufacturer would also be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much.

Gary Chrebet
Merck & Co.
gary_chrebet at merck.com

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