The Delft School of Microbiology Family Tree is growing fast - thanks
to all who've sent me information so far. Some areas are complete,
but there are major, obvious holes. For example, did you study with
Douderoff? van der Walt? Staley? Barker? Schlegel? Kingma-Boltjes?
I'd especially like to hear from folk associated with Starkey of
Rutgers Uni and Clifton of Stanford Uni- their branches are bare!
The Tree must be ready for presentation at the Beijerinck Centennial
Symposium in December, and I shall have to stop accepting new data
around the end of September.
If you think you should have a place on the tree, or you know someone
who should, please contact me soon.
L.A.Robertson at
Dr L.A.Robertson, Kluyver Laboratory,
Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 67, 2628BC
Delft, Netherlands