brucellosis symptoms

bjorn.osterman at alinks.se bjorn.osterman at alinks.se
Tue Jun 13 06:17:51 EST 1995

     What is stressed in this message is to be re-emphasized, namely experienced 
     problems of getting even medical surroundings to understand which are the 
     difficulties to comprehend the whole concept of brucellosis.
     I myself did suffer from brucellosis ten years ago, this was the result of 
     my examination of a sample of cerobrospinal fluid from a patient with what 
     was proved to be a brucellar meningitis (there was no pre-exam suspicion). 
     Three months later I did pass through the first episode of brucellosis 
     (blood-culture proved Brucella melitensis). During convalescens after this 
     episode, three months after leaving hospital, I fell sick again, the same 
     story but more low-graded. The dominant feature of this episode was an 
     extreme back-ache (acutely I fell down on the floor). The diagnosis showed 
     to be brucellar lumbo-sacral disco-spondylitis with an intraspinal abscess.
     I am telling this because of the, at time being, demonstrated apparent 
     problems of the surrounding medical colleagues to grasp the whole situation 
     of this second brucellar episode. A MD myself, I was told that I suffered 
     from a back-ache, originating from a X-ray demonstrated spondylolisthesis 
     in the lumbar region in combination with weakness during convalescens and a 
     perhaps prolapsed nucleus pulposus (operation for this was even planned!). 
     The correct diagnosis was evidenced by a somewhat delayed (which is natural 
     under the circumstances) rise of the Brucella-titers to very high levels. 
     There had been interpretation problems concerning X-ray, MNR and so on.
     - The spondylolisthesis was presumably a locus minoris resistensi for the 
     Brucella infection.
     Brucella infection is predominantly characterized by its intracellular 
     location, and the infection has a tendency of both being generalized and 
     localized. This "brucellar way of infection" naturally creates problems of 
     diagnosis; especially, of course, in geographic regions where brucellosis 
     is a seldom ocurring infectious disease.
                                        Regards,        Bj|rn Osterman, MD
                                                        Stockholm, Sweden
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: brucellosis symptoms
Author:  PC {ziprin at usda.tamu.edu}
Date:    1995-06-12 17.16
There is a brucellosis lab at Texas A&M U and I know that 
one of the guys there had brucellosis.  He had a hell of a 
time convincing the docs that is what was wrong.
I think the man's name is Gary Adams but I'm not sure. 
all the Vet School Micro Dept office  at 409-845-5941. 
Ask for the Brucellosis lab.
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