European Ph.D. programs

Melissa D Michelitsch mdmst26+ at PITT.EDU
Tue Jun 13 15:37:23 EST 1995

I was wondering if anyone had any information about doctoral programs
in biology in Europe.  I am specifically interested in looking into
the Pasteur Institute, La Sorbonne, and L'Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
There are individuals at these institutions whose work greatly interests
me.  If it is possible to pursue doctoral studies in either France or
Belgium as an American, can I select a thesis advisor, obtain remission 
of tuition fees, and/or obtain a stipend?  How does one go about
getting in touch with the admissions offices at these schools?  Does 
anyone have any adresses; e-mail is particularly efficient for overseas 

Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can give me.


Melissa Michelitsch

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