Environmental Investment Opportunity

-Big Texan- willc at tenet.edu
Tue Jun 13 15:45:33 EST 1995

I am one of three owners of BioSource, Inc., an environmental products 
sales company located in Texas.  We market a revolutionary pro-biotic 
product for remediating wastewater and hazardous waste.  We have been
established since 1992.  While there are an increasing number of companies 
representing biological products, nothing has been introduced that can 
compete in effectiveness and cost as our Microplex product.  Our products 
have produced amazing results.

For the last 18 months, we have put 90% of our efforts in introducing our 
products to Mexico because of their extreme water and wastewater 
problems.  As you may know, Mexico has dedicated 350 million dollars a 
year to cleaning up their water and wastewater problems to help their 
environment and economy since NAFTA was passed.  For 18 months, we  have 
worked close with a native company, Octagon International, to help 
introduce our products.  Last summer we were given a pilot project near 
Mexico City to prove our product's effectiveness.  During this time we 
met many times with the Governor of Mexico and the Secretary of the 
Ecology about the country's environmental problems.  We have cut through 
all the red tape and have made the right contacts.

Recently, our pilot project was declared an overwhelming success by the 
Governor of Mexico.  A plaque was placed at the site and BioSource, Inc. 
has been put on the list as the leading candidate to help Mexico with 
their water and wastewater problems.

Unfortunately, we are a small company that will not be able to handle the 
high demand for our products unless we expand.  We currently have very 
low overhead, but we must me ready to handle large orders.  

We are currently looking for one or a couple of partners or investors to 
help BioSource expand.  We are seeking between $150,000 to $250,000.  If 
you understand the potential of the environmental business in Mexico, we 
want to hear from you.

Email me at willc at tenet.edu

Christopher Cain

If you are in the environmental business, email me about how to become a 
dealer for our products in the states.  We have a video that will amaze you.

Only serious replies please.

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