Extreme thermophiles

Mizied Falah g9226492 at MCMAIL.CIS.MCMASTER.CA
Mon Jun 12 03:32:02 EST 1995

	My name is Mizied Falah, I am a graduate student at McMaster
University/Canada. I am interested in the molecular evolution of
Archaebacteria, especially those which require sulfur as an energy source-
The extreme thermophiles. However, I am having difficulties in growing
these species.  I would greatly appreciate any help in obtaining few
miligrams of cells or getting few microgram of genomic DNA of any one of 
the following species:
Sulfolobus solfataricus
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
Sulfolobus shipatea
Thermoproteus tenax 
Desulfurococcus mobilis
Pyrodictictium occultum

Thanks very much in advance

Mizied Falah                       
Dept. of Biochemistry               
McMaster University                 
1280 Main Street West               
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada           
Tel:905-525-9140 x-22178

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