A one week practical course designed to teach the basic
techniques in genetic engineering will be held from
10-14 July 1995 inc at the Dept. of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology UCL London.
A "hands on" approach will enable scientists from
higher education and industry, clinicians and research
workers who have had no practical experience of recombinant
DNA technology to set up such techniques in their own
Techniques to be covered will include, Southern hybridisation
DNA sequencing, PCR, and analysis of cloned DNA using enzyme
restriction mapping.
Course fee 750 pounds sterling (550 for full time postgraduate
students) exclusive of accomodation.
Bed and breakfast accomodation for the period of the course
can be provided in a local hall of residence for 117 pounds
sterling from sunday 9th July until Saturday 15th July.
Write for application forms and further details to:
Dr. John Ward
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Fax: 0171 380 7193
Or e-mail p.wells at ucl.ac.uk