
Rocco Lombardi r.lombardi at utoronto.ca
Thu Jun 8 01:13:00 EST 1995

> On Wed, 7 Jun 1995 13:31:37 -0400 Ira Redwood wrote:
>    Hi
> I'm not sure of the spelling of amoebiosis ( Ab ) so I'll have to hope 
> you know what I'm talking about. I've read that Ab can only be detected 
> in fresh, warm stool samples. Is that correct? Is there any chance of 
> detecting Ab in a normal sample? Can Ab be confused with dientamoeoba 
> fragilis ( DAb )?
If the proper tests were done, diagnosis should not be much of a problem.
I can get you the details if you want.

>  The reason I'm asking is because I've been troubled 
 > with an intestinal parasite ( diagnosed as DAb ), and was treated with 
 > tetracycline and then diodoquin (sp?). I also gave myself three doses of 
 > that pinworm stuff in two-week cycles ( I assume the two-week intervals 
 > between doses has to do with the life cycle of the pinworms ). However, 
 > after completing all of this over a month ago, and having a negative 
 > result on a stool sample after that, I am still plagued by diarrhea and 
 > dizzy spells. I've been told that there is a period after taking such 
 > medicine that you can still have the above symptoms, but this seems to be 
 > going on a bit too long. I've recently gone back to the doctor, and I'm 
 > awaiting results, but I'd appreciate any thoughts that members of this 
 > group might have. Am I just being paranoid, or what? I know I'll never 
 > eat another raw scallop again :0
 > Where does dientamoeba come from, anyway? I read that it *may* come from 
 > the eggs of pinworms ( hence the doses ), but I've heard of no conclusive 
 > evidence of that.
 Dientamoeba fragilis has conclusively been found to be transmitted in the eggs of E. vermicularis 
 (pinworm) in work done by Dr. J. Yang of Toronto General Hospital and Dr. S. Desser of the Dept. of 
 Zoology, U. Toronto.  However, it can also be transmitted directly by the fecal-oral route, i.e. 
 contaminated hands, food or whatever.
 > Oh, and how do you detect those cystoids that Ab can establish in a 
 > person? I've read that some have been located in the liver and even the 
 > brain.           I think I'm getting dizzy again...    :(
 You are probably referring to the trophozoite stage of Entamoeba hystolytica (the parasite that auses 
 amoebiasis).  This stage and the cyst stage of E. hystolytica are usually only found in the intestines. 
 Sometimes the trophozoite stage is capable of invading the intestinal wall and enters the blood 
 stream where it may spread to other organs.  If invasion occurs there is usually blood in the stool 
 because of the ulcers that result in the intestines.  In other words, you would know if it did.
 If you want more information let me know and I'll be able to look it up for you (books aren't on me  
right now), or I can ask Dr. Yang for you.  I can also get the phone number of people for you to contact 
at Toronto General's Infectious Diseases unit. 

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Rocco Lombardi
Dept. of Microbiology
University of Toronto
r.lombardi at utoronto.ca
 "Remember:  Parasites have feelings too." 8-)

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