Subject: Re: WWW sites for Microbiology - send me your favorites
A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Gloria Delisle of Kingston coordinated a
workshop on distance education for the ASM in Washington. John
Makulowich, Mike Schmidt and I helped her out. As part of the workshop I
prepared a "pseudo" home page with a lot of microbiology and related
urls. You can access the course home page at:
and the list of urls directly at:
Feel free to save and use any of the information on my pages. They will
not stay there indefinitely, so grab them quick.
ASM announced they will be starting a home page later in the Summer.
David J. Groves,
Bacteriology Division,
Medical Microbiology,
St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, ON Canada L8N 3V3
(905)522-1155 ext 5016 voice (905)521-6090 fax