EdwardJR edwardjr at aol.com
Tue Jun 6 18:23:46 EST 1995

Position available for virologist at Shaman Pharmaceuticals, which is a
company specializing in the discovery & development of legitimate
therapeutic agents from tropical plants.

Qualifications:  BS, BA, MS, or MA in microbiology or biology with
emphasis in virology, mammalian cell culture, and/or immunology.  One-3
postgraduate experience in relevant academic or industrial lab and
experience with small animals is desirable.  Promising candidates will
have strong communication & interactive skills to participate in a
scientific tam comprised of virologists & chemists and have the creativity
to solve complex biological problems.

Responsibilities:  Evaluation of plant extracts for antiviral activity,
isolation and biological characterization of antiviral agents, and
assessment of antiviral compounds in small animal models of infection.

If interested, please send letter of interest and resume' to:  Director of
Personnel, Shaman Pharmaceuticals, 213 East Grand Avenue, South San
Francisco, CA  94080-4812.  (No faxes or telephone calls please)

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