WWW sites for Microbiology - send me your favorites

Gavin Thomas g.h.thomas at bham.ac.uk
Mon Jun 5 09:03:58 EST 1995

In article <3qib1h$9mm at in2002.biosis.org> Kalpana Shankar <kshankar at mail.biosis.org> writes:
>From: Kalpana Shankar <kshankar at mail.biosis.org>
>Subject: WWW sites for Microbiology - send me your favorites
>Date: 31 May 1995 18:03:29 GMT

>I am looking for two things:

>1) Please send me the URL's of your favorite microbiology sites - all
>fields, all "levels" of information.  Lists, essays,
>bibliographies, tutorials, "interactive" demos and sites, everything.
>I am especially interested in "unusual" sites (I have many of the 
>big lists already - Wisconsin, Harvard, etc...).  

Check out the E. coli index at


!!!New improved for Netscape 1.1b!!!

Gavin Thomas
Department of Biochemistry,
University of Birmingham.

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