post-doctoral position in immunology

Sashidhar M. Reddi reddi at reddi1.uns.tju.edu
Mon Jul 31 11:27:41 EST 1995

The Center for neurovirology of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson university has an opening for a post-doctoratal research assistant/associate in viral immunology. Expertise in the cellular and molecular analysis of viral immunity is required. For further details or to apply, contact: Dr. D. Craig Hooper
1020 Locust Street
Room # 454 JAH,
Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA-19107-6799
Tel: (215)-955-1282
Fax: (215)-923-7745
E-mail: douglas.c.hooper at mail.tju.edu

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